Camille Claudel

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Camille Claudel (1864-1943) was one of the most brilliant sculptress at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. She had been forgotten during many years, but since 80s and thanks to the work by different biographers and art studious, as her grand niece Reine-Maria Paris, was possible the popularization of her work and the publication of some good biographies. She was no more Rodin’s lover, the one “who became mad”, but a full artist forced by her family to be locked in an asylum and abandoned to tragedy for thirty years.

Thanks to forty years of biographers and curators hard work, Camille Claudel is now well-known over the world. For those who are interested in her life and work, here they have some references to discover it.

Actual picture of the asylum of Montfavet,

where Camille Claudel was locked during 30 years.


Camille Claudel by Reine-Marie Paris


Correspondences, Anne Rivière and Bruno Guadichon (ed.).

Here you can read the letter which inspired the short-film. All founded about Camille Claudel’s correspondences is in that fantastic book. Inside its pages it’s possible to discover who was the sculptress by her own words and by the words of those that knew her.

Camille Claudel (1864-1943), different authors. Fundación Mapfre.

Maybe the best catalogue of one of the biggest exhibition never showed about Camille Claudel. It includes various articles about her work and an interesting comparative chronology between Camille Claudel’s and Auguste Rodin’s lifes.

Une femme (Camille Claudel), Anne Delbée.

Her life in a novel, maybe the most read book about Camille Claudel.

Camille Claudel, de Reine-Marie Paris. Gallimard.

One of the first biographies, written by Paul Claudel’s grand daughter.

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